President Hamid Karzai criticized the United States war on terror in Afghanistan as he met with the cabinet ministers to bid farewell.
Karzai also criticized Pakistan, specifically Pakistan’s military intelligence for inteferring in Afghanistan and insisted that peace and stability in Afghanistan was in the hand of United States and Pakistan.
He said Pakistan was and is struggling to take control of the foreign police of Afghanistan but he warned that the Afghan governent will never let this to happen.
Karzai said United States is following interests in Afghanistan and they are not keen to bring peace and stability in the country.
According to Karzai, the Afghan nation has became the victim of foreign war and emphasized that Aghanistan is keen to have a strategic and friendly relations both with Pakistan and United States providing that the the two nations act on their commitments.
Karzai also blamed the foreigners for the recent growth in violene across the country and said there was a steep rise in insurgents attacks as election process started.
In the meantime, Karzai vowed to continue cooperation with the new government of Afghanistan and said the presidential inauguration will take place on Monday.